

Youth sports programs play an important role in the physical and emotional development of children. It is very important for parents and coaches to provide an example of good sportsmanship. Leading by example is the best way to show young athletes that good sportsmanship includes fairness, respect for the coach and the opposing team, and self-discipline.

We are confident that all parents and fans of the Vince Ferragamo Flag Football League will show, by example, good sportsmanship, and will abide by the following rules.

  1. Verbal or physical abuse of any coach. Parent, player or official will not be tolerated.
  2. No drug or alcohol while at games.
  3. Please do not try to coach your child during games and practices. We appreciate your input but let us coach during practice and games.  We got this!!
  4. It is imperative that you respect the officials and their authority during games. They might always be right, but they are in charge.  We will do our best to make sure all officials know the rules and enforce them fairly.
  5. Flag football is a non-contact sport. We will make every effort to ensure the rules, and discipline those for flagrant hits and physical rough housing.
  6. Above all, please understand that youth sports are played for fun. The game is played for the athletes and not for the adults.

Thank you for your cooperation.  Following these simple rules will guarantee a fun and positive experience for all.

The FFFL was founded by Vince Ferragamo with the cooperation of Santiago Canyon College. The mission was to create a flag football league that mimics the NFL schedule to bring communities together, whereby, young children and young adults could learn, play and enjoy the game. Run by former NFL stars, these legends, through their direction would establish a “go to” example of developing the all around athlete, while affording opportunities for other time commitments for other sports. This non-contact league would focus on the mental approach, athleticism, and overall fun of the game.

Our league would be for both boys and girls of all different skill levels in grades 1-8. Each player would play a minimum of 3 out of 4 quarters.